100 Day Project – 2020

On May 16th 2020, I took part in the 100 Days Project Scotland. As this was a task for me that meant a rigid posting every day (well thats what I thought it meant), I diligently produced a new drawing each day. This was a great way of keeping motivated especially on days where it was difficult to be creative and the self expectation of producing a drawing for that day was something I had to do and could not default.

Some days were better than others. Sometimes I had a few drawings for that day and so a decision had to be made. Little surprises, when thinking about what inspires an image that I wanted to draw but didn’t feel I could but did it anyway, these some of my favourites – for example, the wee man welding the railings in Drummond Place who somehow managed to be wearing clogs in the image…I don’t know why…but l liked it.

The project finished on August 23rd and I completed it with a small study of the Meadows from Bruntsfield, a series of work I’m doing for a commission.

The images below are not in daily order however they can be viewed chronologically on my Instagram page.